

My experience spans many areas of communications, but I specialize in (and most enjoy):

Message simplification + consolidation

What are you trying to say? Who are you trying to reach, and what’s the best way to speak to them? Let’s get to the core of what you offer so you can say what you really mean.


Once you know the answers to the above (or maybe you already do), how can you convey your message? I am a skilled and efficient copywriter with tons of experience in both long and short-form copy for web and print.

Community management and engagement

Do you have a group of people you need to communicate with, whether online or in person? Or a group that you need feedback from? Let’s work to craft feedback mechanisms, events and communications that are inclusive and show your community that you’re really listening.

I can also advise on tactical public relations, public affairs and basic web design / user experience. See a portfolio of work samples here, and find out about who I do and don’t work with here.