Suffering from blogger’s block? Try these tips.

Blogs don’t just look pretty, they’re important tools to help your website get in front of potential customers. But it can be hard to brainstorm fresh ideas when you have so many things on your plate or when you’re just plum out of creativity.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Think like your customer. Write a how-to guide or tutorial and lead visitors through a step-by-step process, or collect and answer all of the FAQs you hear.

  • Focus on “evergreen” content — the stuff that won’t grow stale.

  • Write about the direction you think your industry is going in, and why.

  • Find inspiration on Reddit and Quora (online discussion fora) where you’ll see what’s being discussed about your industry.

  • Check out what the competition is writing about. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

  • Search Google for keywords and phrases relevant to your blog topic or industry, and pay close attention to the autocomplete, “People also ask,” and “Searches related to…”.

  • Search any online courses platform like Udemy or Coursera for topics and courses related to your field. Click on the most popular courses, then explore the curriculum.


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